Coffee morning & evening social

Two events are coming up in June and July, one meal out in the evening, and our regular coffee morning.
First up is a social at Las Iguanas in Regent Court, Livery Street, Leamington on Thursday 20th July 2024 from 7pm. A table is booked, so contact us if you'd like to come, to make sure there's space!
Secondly, John and Graham are delighted to host the LWMS coffee morning again this year. Catch up with friends old and new, and help raise funds for the society. The perfect combination!
It will be on Saturday 13th July 2024 from 10.30-12 noon at 24 Warren Close, Leamington Spa, CV32 6LA.
Entry for friends and members of LWMS is £2.50 and includes biscuits and as much coffee or tea as you can drink ☕️
There will be cake for sale and a raffle, all in aid of the Society.
We hope to see you there!