
LWMS is a CIO, registered with the Charity Commission since 2022 (registered number 1200030). The CIO has three Trustees responsible for the legal obligations of the CIO and upholding its constitution, who are elected by its members at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). Day-to-day management is delegated to a management committee.

Charity Trustees

Nick Kaijaks (chair)
Sam Henshaw
Sarah Phipps

Management committee

Day-to-day management of the Society is by the committee, whose members are elected at AGM, and represent the membership at large. The committee selects shows, recruits the artistic team to stage them, and then supports that team through the production process. The committee usually meets monthly to discuss finance, upcoming productions, fundraising, publicity and social activities. Any member can request items to be discussed at committee, by contacting us.

2024–2025 committee members

Committee Chair & Digital Nick Kaijaks
Vice Chair & Fundraising Alec Brown
Secretary Sarah Phipps
Treasurer Sam Henshaw
Tickets John Bradshaw
Publicity, Marketing & Archive Pat Montgomery
Engagement & Social Lizzie Buckingham
Production Lucy Maxwell
Auditions & Licensing Laura Simmons
Librarian June Sutherland

Rules and regulations

Our Society operates in accordance with our constitution, bye-laws and policies which are in the documents and links below.