Get involved

There are so many different opportunities to get involved with LWMS, whether you want to perform or just want to be a part of the theatre magic. Read on to find out more!

No performance could go ahead without the incredible people who work off-stage. From front of house to backstage, from costumes to props, we are always looking for people to support us. There are great friendships to be made, and these skills are great on a CV.

If you are interested in any of the following roles, please contact us to find out how to get involved:
- Moving scenery
- Building scenery
- Creating & sourcing props
- Creating & sourcing costumes
- Helping with make-up
- Videography & photography
- Fundraising
- Working front of house
We normally perform one show in the spring of each year in the 567-seat main theatre at the Royal Spa Centre in Leamington. Our shows are open audition, with generally adult casts of around 30 members. We will advertise specifically if there are roles available for under-18s.
Rehearsals are usually on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in Leamington from the autumn, plus Sunday afternoon rehearsals for the last six weeks or so before curtain-up.
We welcome potential singers, dancers, and actors whether experienced or not. Our expectation is for commitment and enthusiasm. If you would be interested in joining a cast, please contact us.

Members keep in touch between shows through a Facebook group and WhatsApp chats. People meet up for quiz nights, relax in the park, or arrange for meals and theatre trips.
As a Society, we arrange coffee mornings and catch-ups (which help to fundraise too). In May 2022 we inaugurated a Grand Ball with dinner and dance to celebrate our centenary. It was a brilliant night and, who knows, we might make it a more regular occasion!
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
We aim to have an atmosphere of equality, friendship, respect and care for each other. Find out how what this means for us.